Sunday, June 24, 2012


I've just found an inspiration for the overall look of my roadster. Abalone. It's got the pimp-iness that I just never seem to be able to get away from when I build a custom. I think that using just a little of this stuff can go a long way. I was researching materials to use for my dash face and gauge faces when I came across this material on the net: As you'll see if you follow the link, there are all kinds to choose from. Anyhow, finding this link has made me realize that the colors I am gravitating towards -- a light silvery turquoise for the exterior paint and white pearl vinyl for the interior all exist within the ocean. So it would only seem fitting to name the car that hints at this inspitration. "Abalonia" will be the name for the roadster, at least for now. But the more important point is that I now have a screen that will help me make a lot of the little decisions that inform the build of any custom. Take the wheel below. Would it seem right in a car called ABALONIA. I rest my case.

The car color below look right on a car named ABALONIA? I believe it would.

The gauges and panel below. Would they look right in a car named ABALONIA. I think they would.

Here's a sample of what I'm looking at for my Auburn style gauge panel's face:

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